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How did EMS responders in different countries, positions, and life stages experience an unprecedented health crisis? In June and July 2023, COVINFORM partners Magen David Adom (MDA: https://www.mdais.org/en) and S.A.M.U.R. Proteccion Civil (SAMUR: https://www.madrid.es/samur) conducted participatory interventions to explore this question. Specifically, the partners organised workshops...

How did EMS responders in different countries, positions, and life stages experience an unprecedented health crisis? In June and July 2023, COVINFORM partners Magen David Adom (MDA: https://www.mdais.org/en) and S.A.M.U.R. Proteccion Civil (SAMUR: https://www.madrid.es/samur) conducted participatory interventions to explore this question. Specifically, the partners organised workshops...