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october 2021

01janAll Day31octCOVID-19 Lecture SeriesONLINE PUBLIC LECTURE

11octAll Day12Euro-Global Conference on Infectious DiseasesGLOBAL CONFERENCE

18octAll Day22Pandemic Preparedness Beyond COVID-19: Investing in Vaccine Production/Supply for LMICs (WIF 2021)WEBINAR

21octAll Day222021 e-Health and Healthcare InnovationsCONFERENCE

27octAll Day31European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) 2021 CongressCONGRESS

november 2021

10novAll Day1214th European Public Health Conference 2021VIRTUAL EVENT

december 2021

13decAll Day14ICHDH 2021: 15. International Conference on Healthcare and Digital HealthVIRTUAL CONFERENCE

february 2022

21febAll DayThe Impact of COVID-19 on Global HealthWEBINAR

april 2022

20aprAll Day'The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Mental Health'VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

20aprAll Day'The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Youth and Adolescent Mental Health'VIRTUAL CONFERENCE